Bari and its coast

  • BARI AND THE COAST (within 85 km from the agritourism)

Ribbons of golden sand, fishing ports and cities perched overhanging the coast.

Wind and sea caress the walls and palaces of Bari on the longest promenade in Italy

  • Bari (40 km)

Lungomare Nazario Sauro

Bari Vecchia con le “signore delle orecchiette”

Basilica di San Nicola

Castello normanno svevo

Teatro Petruzzelli

Palazzo Simi

Cattedrale di San Sabino

Bari underground – a city under the city: The route starts from the Swabian Castle, leads to the Cathedral and ends at the archaeological area of Palazzo Simi, seat of the Operational Center for Archeology of Bari. easy to use and preserve the remains of buildings dating back to different eras.

Itinerary of the medieval villages on the sea: Molfetta- Giovinazzo – Polignano a Mare-Monopoli (tour of about 75 km)


Duomo Vecchio

Complesso dei Domenicani

Pulo di Molfetta


Arco di Traiano

Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta e chiesa dello Spirito Santo

Palazzo Saraceno

Polignano a Mare

Cala Paura

Grotta Palazzese

Passeggiata nel centro storico

Red Bull Cliff Diving


Castello Carlo V

Cattedrale di Santa Maria della Madia

Cripta romanica

Giardino botanico Lama degli Ulivi

  • Authentic flavors and traditional craftsmanship itinerary: Terlizzi – Bitonto- Palo del Colle – Conversano – Turi – Sammichele di Bari (tour around 60 km )


Torre Maggiore

The Stradone and the Triumphal Chariot (Following the discovery of the Icon of the Virgin in Sovereto, the territory between Terlizzi and Bitonto, the dispute between the two cities was born. Judgment was left to Providence, placing the icon on a cart at the crossroads between the two towns, led by two oxen from the two cities. At the crossroads, the ox from Terlizzi blinded the one from Bitonto with a horn, forcing it to move in the direction of Terlizzi. The event is commemorated starting from the 18th century building a triumphal chariot 22 meters high, completely made of wood, which is carried through the narrow and winding streets of the city, pushed by the faithful and guided by 4 helmsmen dressed in eighteenth-century clothes)

Portale di Anseramo da Trani

Palazzo baronale De Gemmis e Villa Lamparelli

Borgo di Sovereto e Santuario di santa Maria di Sovereto



Palazzo Sylos Vulpano e Sylos Calò , sede della Galleria Nazionale della Puglia De Vanna

Cattedrale di San Valentino

Palo del Colle

Palio del Viccio a cavallo


Castello degli Acquaviva

Mura megalitiche

Castello di Marchione

Sammichele di Bari

The “zampina” is a long and thin cured meat based on fresh mixed meat, similar to luganega, to be tasted directly in the typical butchers equipped for tasting after cooking.

  • Good food itinerary and Negroamaro in Messapi’s land: Francavilla Fontana – Oria – Latiano – Mesagne – Torre Santa Susanna – Leverano (tour da circa 60 km)

Terra del Negroamaro, the name of a black-fruited vine, which produces a dark, harmonious and warm wine – the heart of production in the Messapian plain in the upper Salento

Francavilla Fontana

Chiesa matrice

Palazzo Imperiale

Chiese, cripte, porte e mura medievali

Easter Rites: in the late afternoon of Holy Thursday the pilgrimage starts to the “Sepolcri” (Repositories) of the “Pappamusci”, brothers of the Confraternity of the Carmine, who, dressed in a white habit, barefoot, hooded and with a stick in their right hand, walk slowly and in pairs along a centuries-old path. When the couples of Pappamusci cross each other, they greet each other by beating the stick on the ground and placing themselves in front of each other, they simulate an embrace by bringing their arms to their chests with force. The term “Pappamusci” seems to derive from ancient Greek, perhaps to indicate the “black priest” or “slow, silent priest”. Furthermore, there are those who believe the origin of the name, deriving from the Spanish language, identifying in the pappamusci, the “papamoscas”, that is the fools.



Cathedral of Santa Maria Santissima Assunta in Cielo

Jewish quarter

Museum of oil and traditions– Frantoio Ipogeo

The Torneo dei Rioni has been held in Oria since 1967, and is one of the most important historical-medieval events in the South. The Announcement of the Tournament declaimed by Herald in the main square of the town at the end of the historical parade, was invented and structured in 1967 by the Pro-loco organizer of the event, at first to celebrate the castle factory, then the wait was added by Frederick of the betrothed Jolanda daughter of the king of Jerusalem Giovanni di Brienne (who would later marry in Brindisi in November 1225).
The tournament involves the four districts of the city in the competition: Judea, Castello, S. Basilio and Lama.
The event takes place on the second weekend of August: on Saturday there is the Historical Parade through the city streets that ends the tour in the central square of the town (Piazza Manfredi), where the presentation of the Palio is celebrated; on Sunday in a specially equipped field, the competitions for the assignment of the Palio take place.
To win the Palio, the athletes of the four districts will have to win the highest number of points during five tests (ram, barrel, chest, bridge race, speed and dexterity), the order of which is drawn shortly before the start of the tournament.
There are also other performances that have an exclusively spectacular function such as knightly clashes.
The presence of the four flag waving and music groups of the city of Oria is important.


Festival of Stracchioddi or orecchiette with horse meat rolls


Castle and museum of the territory

old village

Master Church

Torre Santa Susanna

Underground crushers 5 meters below street level, divided into separate rooms, each with ancient hearths, basins, millstones and presses


Torre quadrata di Federico II


January 16: the Focara, a gigantic 30 m high pyre of bundles that burns in honor of S. Antonio Abate

  • Itinerary of the Baroque Churches and Menhirs: Copertino – Nardò – Galatina – Casarano – Ugento – Poggiardo (tour around 50 km)

The largest megalithic garden in Europe, it houses dolmens and menhirs, respectively megalithic burial chambers and expression of solar cults set in the rock and oriented on the east-west axis


Città del Santo che vola, San Giuseppe da Copertino

Chiesa di San Copertino, casa natale  e Santuario di Santa Maria della Grottella

Castello normanno svevo


Palazzi, chiese e corti

Piazza Salandra, tripudio di barocco e rococò

Guglia dell’Immacolata

Chiesa di San Trifone

Il Sedile

Palazzo della Prefettura

Fontana del Toro

Duomo e Università

Castello degli Acquaviva


City of Taranta, to whose rite the chapel of San Paolo is dedicated: as in all of southern Puglia, the phenomenon of tarantism has occupied an important cultural and folkloric page of entire generations, reaching up to the present day, before disappearing completely . Eyewitnesses of this studied phenomenon tell of real musical rituals used to “heal” women bitten by tarantula. The ritual consisted of a frantic and tiring dance performed for hours or even days by the tarantate or tarantati who, exhausted, fell to the ground in a state of trance. As soon as they saw the first symptoms of the tarantula bite, they used to hang handkerchiefs of different colors in the largest room of the house and the tarantata, almost enchanted by the colors, chose one and danced with it. The color of the handkerchief was believed to indicate the color of the tarantula. After hours of dancing she would move, dancing and playing, in the countryside, to the place where it was believed that the tarantula had bitten the tarantata and there the last dance was performed. Usually the instruments used for this musical therapy were the violin and the tambourine, to which the accordion and the battente guitar were sometimes added. Taranta Night Festival in late August.

Master Church

Basilica of Santa Caterina d’Alessandria, 5 naves frescoed with pictorial cycles of the Giotto school


In Casaranello, the Church of Santa Maria della Croce, one of the oldest places of Christian worship in the world: a treasure chest of art with paleo-Christian mosaics, Byzantine and Gothic frescoes


Museo civico di archeologia in antico convento dei francescani

Cripta del Crocefisso

Castello svevo normanno

Torri d’avvistamento costiere


Parco dei Guerrieri, sito archeologico con ruderi di un villaggio messapico

Mura megalitiche

Cripta dei santi Stefani

Capanna messapica

Necropoli V e III secolo a.C.

5 sagome in ferro di guerrieri messapi

  • Itinerario dall’Adriatico allo Jonio : oasi naturale delle Cesine – San Foca – Roca Vecchia –Otranto – Santa Cesarea Terme – Castro – Santa Maria di Leuca – Gallipoli – parco regionale naturale di Porto Selvaggio – Porto Cesareo (tour around 140 km)

Oasi naturale delle Cesine

Humid area that hosts in the 620 has rare animal and plant species; resting place for over 180 avian species; on foot or by donkey starting from Torre Masseria

Capo da Golf a 18 buche

San Foca

Villaggio di pescatori e porto turistico

Roca Vecchia

Mare verde smeraldo lambisce la Grotta della Poesia

Nella Grotta della Poesia Piccola, iscrizioni e simboli dall’età protostorica al II sec. A.C.

Area archeologica dall’età del Bronzo al Rinascimento


Castello aragonese

Cattedrale romanica dell’Annunziata

Basilica di San Pietro


Torri costiere

Hypogeum of Torre Pinta, could date back to the Neolithic and subsequently expanded and exploited in various eras for various functions. It has a Latin cross plan – probably due to the Basilians who transformed it into a place of worship – consisting of a corridor (dromos), with a barrel vault pierced by many small cells, ending in a spherical compartment. The cells, most likely, were intended to house the cinerary urns of the dead. In correspondence with the spherical compartment, which leads into three apsed rooms, a dovecote tower rises, built in the 17th century to replace the collapsed vault. Near the entrance there is a small circular room with a fireplace

Bauxite pond, a mineral from which aluminum is obtained.

Santa Cesarea Terme

Thermal station since 1899, with thermal springs of sulphurous-salty-bromoiodic waters that flow at a temperature of 30 ° in the caves of Gattulla, Sulfurea, Fetida and Solfatare

Villa Sticchi

Torri costiere

Porto Miggiano


Grotta della Zinzulusa, cosi chiamata per le stalattiti che sembrano stracci appesi, in dialetto “zinzuli”


Santa Maria di Leuca

Imposing octagonal lighthouse from 1864, 48.60 m high

Basilica of the Madonna De Finibus Terrae

Nineteenth-century villas

The Monumental Waterfall, terminal point of the Apulian Aqueduct


Beautiful beaches and trendy establishments from Lido Pizzo, Puta della Suina to Baia Verde

Angevin Castle

Cathedral of Sant’Agata

Parco regionale naturale di Porto Selvaggio

paths with Aleppo pines that lead to a cove of pebbles on the green-blue sea, former Messapian quarry

marsh of the captain, with botanical rarities in depressions in the ground with brackish waters

Porto Cesareo

Beaches and clear sea with protected marine area and depths rich in archaeological finds, such as the Greek-Roman columns a few meters from the coast

Punta Prosciutto

Coastal watchtowers

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